Update Project
Code Changes
Let’s update the code and deploy again. We’ll add a puts "debug 1"
class PostsController < ApplicationController
before_action :set_post, only: %i[ show update destroy ]
# GET /posts
def index
puts "debug 1" # <= ADD THIS LINE
@posts = Post.all
# ....
Deploy Again
To deploy again run jets deploy
❯ jets deploy
Will deploy rails-dev
Are you sure? (y/N) y
Stack success status: UPDATE_COMPLETE
Release 2: https://www.rubyonjets.com/projects/rails/releases/release-Ke5vdy0SPtEYdogu
Prewarming application
Lambda Url https://57jv6mkzj3su2buias5uuop6uy0ogvqr.lambda-url.us-west-2.on.aws
Once changes have been deployed, confirm code changes.
Jets Logs
You can also use the jets logs command to tail the logs in your terminal.
❯ jets logs -f
I, [2024-04-10T11:38:48.154729 #8] INFO -- : [54f41da9-2fa3-4fe1-b52e-44c33392dc79] Started GET "/" for 2002:42ea:d0d2:0:cde7:a469:c823:3c7d at 2024-04-10 11:38:48 +0000
I, [2024-04-10T11:38:48.156409 #8] INFO -- : [54f41da9-2fa3-4fe1-b52e-44c33392dc79] Processing by PostsController#index as HTML
debug 1
I, [2024-04-10T11:38:48.265264 #8] INFO -- : [54f41da9-2fa3-4fe1-b52e-44c33392dc79] Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 102.8ms | Allocations: 16418)
I, [2024-04-10T11:38:48.265750 #8] INFO -- : [54f41da9-2fa3-4fe1-b52e-44c33392dc79] Completed 200 OK in 109ms (Views: 96.3ms | ActiveRecord: 8.8ms | Allocations: 18012)
Note: The jets logs command use the controller Lambda Function Log Group, IE: /aws/lambda/rails-dev-controller
by default, so we do not have to specify the -n
Next, we’ll delete the project.