Config Jets Deploy Assets


The table below covers each setting. Each option is configured with config.OPTION. The config. portion is not shown for conciseness. IE: logger.level vs config.logger.level.

Name Default Description true If public/assets/manifest-*.js is detected in the source code, Jets assumes you have locally precompiled assets and the remote runner will not attempt to compile assets in the remote runner docker build process. “conditional” When Rails, it’s set to true. For other frameworks like sinatra, it’s set to false. auto The auto value means that it will be auto-detected. When a package.json is detected in the source code, it’ll assume you’ll need nodejs and yarn installed. 20.12.1 The nodejs version to use. We try to default to the latest LTS node. true When is nodejs.enable, it will install for both build and deployment stages for the multi-stage docker build process. You can use this to disable it for the deployment phase. This means the Docker image you’re running won’t have access to the nodejs runtime. It’s only use to build artifacts. “conditional” When Rails, the default command is a jets, which calls rails assets:precompile if it’s available. Otherwise, it is nil.
assets.upload.cache_control nil The cache control header to use for assets uploaded to s3. Example: public, max-age=3600.
assets.upload.enable true Upload the assets from assets.upload.folders, IE: public, to s3.
assets.upload.folders [“public”] Folders to upload to s3.
assets.upload.max_age 3600 The max age in seconds for the cache control header. This is a shorter way to set the cache_control. IE: 3600 => public, max-age=3600

See Full Config Reference