Jets Remote Release Phase Hook

The Jets remote deploy process supports the conceptual similar heroku release phase.

This allows you to run custom tasks before a new release is deployed. This runs inside a docker container with the newly built image. The release phase can be helpful for tasks such as:

  • Running database schema migrations
  • Priming or invalidating cache stores

Note: Assets are already supported by Jets managed tasks. Jets automatically upload assets to the Jets-managed s3 bucket and configured Rails.config.asset_host. Of course, if you have customized needs, you can upload assets to whichever bucket you wish with the Jets release hook.

Configure: Procfile

To configure the release hook, you can use the Procfile. Here’s an example:


release: bundle exec rails db:migrate

Release Command Config

You can also configure the release command with


Jets.deploy.configure do
  config.release.phase.command = "bundle exec rails db:migrate"

The config.release.phase.command takes higher precedence than the Procfile.

How It Works

The jets deploy process builds a Docker image with the latest code. This Docker image is used to run the release task, which is run before the release is deployed.

This is useful because it allows you to run newly created migrations and ensure their success before deployment.

Env Vars and AWS Permissions

Jets allows you to store secret information like DATABASE_URL in SSM and reference them in config/jets/env files. Jets makes this info available in the release task. The release tasks runs on the AWS CodeBuild machine look something like this:

docker run --rm --env-file=release.env demo-dev bundle exec rails db:migrate

Jets generates a release.env file that includes

  • dotenv values from config/jets/env files.
  • AWS credentials that the CodeBuild project uses.

This should give you the permissions to do what you need.