Core Resource Model

At the core of Jets is the resource model. Understanding the core resource model and method will allow you to create any AWS resource with Jets and CloudFormation.

All Paths Lead to resource

An important learning point is that all resources associated with each Lambda function in Jets are ultimately created by the resource method. The resource method is the key.

For example, the rate method creates a CloudWatch Event Rule resource. This Event Rule resource is associated with the party Lambda function. Here’s an example:

class CoolEvent < ApplicationJob
  rate "10 hours" # every 10 hours
  def party
    puts "party hardy"

What happens is that Jets takes the rate method, performs some wrapper logic, and calls the core resource method. In other words, the code could also be written like so:

class CoolEvent < ApplicationJob
    DigEventsRule: {
      Type: "AWS::Events::Rule",
      Properties: {
        ScheduleExpression: "rate(10 hours)",
        State: "ENABLED",
        Targets: [{
          Arn: "!GetAtt DigLambdaFunction.Arn",
          Id: "DigRuleTarget"
  def party
    puts "party hardy"

The resource method creates the AWS AWS::Events::Rule resource.

The Jets design allows you to create any AWS resource you wish. The key is understanding the resource method. Methods like rate, cron, and rule_event run some setup logic and call the resource method.

Note: Rubyists may notice that the keys are CamelCase, not underscore. Both underscore and CamelCase work. Jets runs a custom Camelizer to transform the keys regardless of the casing. You can use either format. Once we get near CloudFormation land, it’s easier to think on CloudFormation terms. The resource method is at the mental boundary crossing. More thoughts: CloudFomation CamelCase vs Ruby Underscore Thoughts.