IAM Policies

You can configure the config/jets/deploy.rb settings to customize your app IAM permissions. When Jets deploys your app to AWS, it uses these settings to create an IAM Role for your Lambda Function. Jets defines some default baseline IAM permissions and adds the permissions you grant.

App IAM Policy: Additive

When you configure the IAM policy in config/jets/deploy.rb, Jets adds it to the Jets Managed “Application IAM Policy”. Example.


Jets.deploy.configure do |config|
  config.lambda.iam.policy = ["logs"]

Here’s another example with a more granular Hash configuration.


Jets.deploy.configure do |config|
  config.lambda.iam.policy = [
      Action: ["dynamodb:*"],
      Effect: "Allow",
      Resource: "arn:aws:dynamodb:#{Jets.aws.region}:#{Jets.aws.account}:table/#{Jets.project.namespace}*",

The config adds to the default Jets Application IAM policy. This is useful because the application policy is dynamically calculated depending on what resources need to be provisioned. For example:

  • Using VPC with config.lambda.function.vpc_config will add the necessary VPC permissions to attach network resources to the Lambda Functions.
  • Using Jets Jobs will add the required SQS IAM permissions.
  • Using Shared Resources will add CloudFormation read permissions.

App IAM Policy: Override

If you wish to override the default Application IAM policy entirely, then set config.lambda.iam.default_policy.


Jets.deploy.configure do |config|
  config.lambda.iam.default_policy = [
      Action: ["logs:*", "s3:*"],
      Effect: "Allow",
      Resource: "*",

Be careful doing this because it will override the IAM default policy entirely. This could prevent your app from working because Jets might have the right permissions. For example, if you accidentally remove permissions for CloudWatch Logs, then Lambda won’t be able to write to them. It makes it quite difficult to debug. It’s your responsibility to ensure that the policy has the correct permissions.

CloudFormation IAM Policy Docs

The IAM Policy settings are like a DSL that Jets compiled to AWS IAM Document structures and are added to the CloudFormation templates. For more details on a raw IAM Policy document, see here.

App Lambda Function vs User Deploy IAM Policies

The IAM Policies docs on this page refer to the IAM policy associated with your Lambda Execution Role. These permissions control what AWS resources your Lambda functions have access to. This differs from the IAM Role required to deploy. If you are looking for the minimal IAM Policy to deploy a Jets application for your IAM user, check out Minimal Deploy IAM Policy.