jets call


jets call


Call Lambda function

Remote mode

Invoke the lambda function on AWS.

Examples Cheatsheet

jets call -n cool_event-party -e '{"test":1}'
jets call -n cool_event-party -e '{"test":1}' | jq .
jets call -n cool_event-party -e '{"test":1}' --verbose | jq
jets call -n cool_event-party file://event.json | jq . # load event with a file
jets call -n jets-prewarm_event-handle -e '{"invocation_type": "RequestResponse"}'

The equivalent AWS Lambda CLI command:

aws lambda invoke --function-name demo-dev-cool_event-party --payload -e '{"test":1}' outfile.txt
cat outfile.txt | jq '.'


The jets call command can also print out the last 4KB of the lambda logs with the --verbose option. The logging output is directed to stderr and the response output from the lambda function itself is directed to stdout so you can safely pipe the results of the call command to other tools like jq.

Controller Note

You can directly call a controller but you must provide it with a event payload that it understands. IE: The event payload needs to come from Lambda Fucntion URL, APIGW, or ALB.

jets call -n controller --event file://lambda.json

The jets curl handles this more automatically is recommended over the jets call command for calling Jets controller.


-n, [--function=FUNCTION]                          # Lambda Function name
                                                   # Default: controller
-v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose], [--skip-verbose]  # Show more verbose logging output. Useful for debugging what's under the hood
                                                   # Default: false
-e, [--event=EVENT]                                # JSON event to provide to Lambda function as input
                                                   # Default: {}
-t, [--invocation-type=INVOCATION_TYPE]            # Invocation type.  IE: RequestResponse, Event, DryRun
                                                   # Default: RequestResponse