Lambda URL CloudFront WAF Jets Logging

It can be useful to turn on logging to see whether or not the WAF is blocking or allowing requests through.


Jets.deploy.configure do
  config.waf.logging.enable = true

By default, the WAF logging is not turned on since there is cost to log the requests.

Note: The CloudWatch logs are in the us-east-1 region because that’s where the WAF and logging must be deployed for CloudFront.

CloudWatch Logs Insights Querying

It’s useful to use CloudWatch Logs Insights querying to filter down and find requests that the WAF is blocking. Here are some examples:

blocked actions

fields @timestamp, @message, action, httpRequest.clientIp, httpRequest.uri, httpRequest.httpMethod, webaclId
| filter action = 'BLOCK'
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20

filter by IP

fields @timestamp, @message, action, httpRequest.clientIp, httpRequest.uri, httpRequest.httpMethod, webaclId
| filter httpRequest.clientIp = ""
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20

would-be blocked

This one is a little trickier but very useful. If your WAF rule is in count or “monitoring” mode, it’s useful to query and see what would-be blocked.

fields @timestamp, @message, action
| filter action = "ALLOW"
| parse @message /"terminatingRule":"(?<terminatingRule>[^"]*)"/
| filter terminatingRule != ""
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20