Lambda URL CloudFront WAF General Setup Steps

The general WAF setup steps are:

  1. Turn on logging and monitor first
  2. Review logs
  3. Activate blocking
  4. Review logs for blocks
  5. Disable logging

Turn on Monitoring

It’s wise to first turn on logging and monitoring mode before activating WAF rules fully.


Jets.deploy.configure do
  config.waf.logging = true    # default: false
  config.waf.monitoring = true # default: false

The config.waf.monitoring = true will set the OverrideAction: Count for all rules.

This allows you to see what will be blocked without affecting live users first.

Review Logs

You can use CloudWatch Logs Insights Querying to see what would be blocked. Here’s an example query.

fields @timestamp, @message, action
| filter action = "ALLOW"
| parse @message /"terminatingRule":"(?<terminatingRule>[^"]*)"/
| filter terminatingRule != ""
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20

Related: WAF Logging

Activate Blocking

Once the initial review looks good, you can disable monitoring mode and the rules will block.


Jets.deploy.configure do
  config.waf.logging = true
  config.waf.monitoring = false

Review Logs for Blocks

Afterward, you want to review the logs again for live blocks this time. Here’s an example query.

fields @timestamp, @message, action, httpRequest.clientIp, httpRequest.uri, httpRequest.httpMethod, webaclId
| filter action = 'BLOCK'
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20

Disable Logging

If WAF rules are good, you might want to disable the WAF logging do reduce the extra costs from logging. This step really is option and depends more on your preference.


Jets.deploy.configure do
  config.waf.logging = false
  config.waf.monitoring = false