Remote Runner CodeBuild IAM Permissions
You can customize the iam policy associated with the Remote Runner CodeBuild project. Here’s an example:
Jets.bootstrap.configure do
config.codebuild.iam.policy = ["s3", "ec2"]
config.codebuild.iam.managed_policy = ["AmazonS3FullAccess"]
# Be careful overriding defaults as it can remove required permissions
# config.codebuild.iam.default_policy = [...]
# config.codebuild.iam.default_managed_policy = [...]
The CodeBuild project’s purpose provide a remote runner to run the jets remote deploy process in a secure and reliably manner. It does the heavy lifting and needs a decent amount of IAM permissions. The default permissions look something like this:
- PolicyName: DefaultPolicy
Version: '2012-10-17'
- Action:
- apigateway:*
- cloudformation:*
- cloudfront:*
- codebuild:*
- dynamodb:*
- ecr-public:*
- ecr:*
- events:*
- iam:*
- lambda:*
- logs:*
- route53:*
- s3:*
- sns:*
- sqs:*
- sts:GetServiceBearerToken
Effect: Allow
Resource: "*"
- arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess
- arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCertificateManagerReadOnly
The default permissions are managed by Jet and may change. If you need to, you can override the default_policy
and default_managed_policy
. However, be careful, as you may remove some required permissions for things to work.
The policy config can be a simple Array of Strings. Example:
config.codebuild.iam.policy = ["s3", "ec2"]
In such case, the policy generated looks something like this:
- PolicyName: CustomPolicy
Version: '2012-10-17'
- Action:
- s3:*
- ec2:*
Effect: Allow
Resource: "*"
If an item in the Array is a Hash, then it’ll use it as-is. Example:
config.codebuild.iam.policy = [
PolicyName: "MyPolicy",
PolicyDocument: {
Version: "2012-10-17",
Statement: [{Action: ["s3:*"], Effect: "Allow", Resource: "*"}]