Next Steps

Here are some next steps to learn more about Jets.

Video Tutorials and Demos

  • CloudFront CDN for Lambda Function URL: This allows you to use a user-friendly domain instead of the randomly generated Lambda Function URL.
  • REPL on AWS Lambda jets exec: An interactive REPL console that allows you to run bash commands in a deployed AWS Lambda Function environment. This can be helpful for debugging.
  • How AWS Lambda Scaling Works: jets concurrency: With AWS Lambda, you don’t worry about whether you can scale. You worry about scaling too much. Jets has built-in reasonable defaults as a safety measure. Learn how you can tune them.
  • Jets Dotenv CLI Command: The dotenv commands can be used to check your SSM parameter values and confirm they look good before deployment.
  • Jets Env CLI Command: The env commands allow you to get and set live env vars on the Lambda functions. It’s also useful for debugging.

Learn More About What Jets Can Do

  • Config Jets: Learn about the different configs you can use to control how Jets deploys.
  • Env Files: Use env files to manage and set secrets.
  • CloudFront Lambda: Create a CDN CloudFront distribution in front of your Lambda function for a friendly URL with only a few configs. It also provides layer 3-4 protection against known malicious traffic.
  • Reserved Concurrency: Tune the maximum number of concurrent lambdas you want to allow for scaling. You can increase concurrency if you have pages that make many parallel requests, IE: large photo galleries. Jets sets reasonable defaults as a safety measure. You can also use Provisioned concurrency to have always-running Lambdas.
  • Jets Exec: Explore and debug the Lambda environment by sending it bash commands in a REPL.
  • Jets Release History: Track deployments and rollback to previous versions when needed.

And There a Lot More Jets Can Do

  • IAM Policies: Control what AWS resources you want your app to have. IE: S3, SNS, etc.
  • Managed IAM Policies: Use AWS Managed IAM Policies for your app.
  • Assets Serving CDN: Create another CloudFront distribution optimized for serving assets. Jets automatically compiles assets, uploads them to s3, and configures your app to use them.
  • Uploads CDN: If your app has file or image uploads, Jets can create a CloudFront distribution using your existing uploads s3 bucket and serve those files.
  • WAF: Web Application Firewall can be used to mitigate traffic from DDOS attacks. Jets provides additional custom rules like a Blanket Rate Limiter that’s fundamental to fighting DDOS.
  • Jets Jobs: Learn how Jets can take your existing Rails jobs and use them as-is with the jets_job ActiveJob adapter by automatically creating serverless resources like Lambda functions and SQS queues. Jets also converts sidekiq scheduler items to serverless resources like CloudWatch scheduled event rules.
  • Jets Events: Glue any event from CloudWatch Log, CloudWatch Rule, DynamoDB, IoT, Kinesis, S3, Scheduled, SNS, SQS to Lambda functions seamlessly.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg.