Jets Job Scheduler Translate

Jets can translate a conifg/sidekiq.yml scheduler to a config/jets/scheduler.yml. There are two ways Jets can do this.

  1. Translate On Deploy: The scheduler gets translated on-the-fly as part of jets deploy.
  2. Translate with CLI: You translate it manually with the CLI and validate it looks good ahead of time.

It’s recommended that option #2 be used to translate with CLI. The AWS Scheduled Rules expressions do not precisely match the sidekiq scheduler expressions. For example, there is a “seconds” field with sidekiq but not with Schedule Rules. Using approach #2 removes this ambiguity. Option #1 is provided as a convenience.

Translate Upon Deploy

By default, if there is no config/jets/schedule.yml and config/sidekiq.yml exists with a schedule key, Jets will automatically translate the file upon deployment. You can configure this behavior with:


Jets.deploy.configure do
 config.scheduler.translate.on_deploy = true # default true

Note that the translated Scheduled Rules are also validated as part of the translation on jets deploy. This is done by creating a live test event rule for each translated entry in config/jets/schedule.yml and then deleting it.

Only sidekiq scheduler is supported.

Translate with CLI

You can also use jets schedule:translate to translate the schedule instead of translating upon deployment.

config/sidekiq.yml => config/jets/schedule.yml

You can then use jets schedule:validate to check whether the expressions are valid AWS CloudWatch Schedule Event Rules.

jets schedule:translate jets schedule:validate

Tip: It also helps to use the AWS EventBridge Console and pretend to create a Scheduled Rule. The form performs validation in real-time and allows you to familiarize yourself with the Schedule Rule expression syntax.

Why Translate with the CLI?

There are differences between the sidekiq and CloudWatch rules scheduler syntax. For example, the “seconds” column is an extra column only in the sidekiq scheduler. Jets performs a best-effort translation. The advantage of translating the schedule instead of time instead of upon deployment is that you’ll be able work with the syntax that matches the native CloudWatch Rules scheduler. Though the “on deploy” translation of config/jets/schedule.yml is provided as a convenience, it is recommended that the CLI be used to translate ahead of time.

Note: If both config/sidekiq.yml and config/jets/schedule.yml exist, the config/jets/schedule.yml takes higher precedence and is the only one used.