Jets Remote Runner Managed Hook Docker

The Jets Managed SSH Docker will log into docker.

This allows the build process to docker pull from repos that require auth.

Docker Login

The docker login command will run before the remote jets deploy with the DOCKER_USER and DOCKER_PASS env vars. Something like this:

echo "$DOCKER_PASS" | docker login --username $DOCKER_USER --password-stdin

This helps the docker pull and docker build commands avoid the DockerHub rate limit.

Configure Remote Runner

Here’s an example of how you configure this hook for the CodeBuild Remote Runner


Jets.bootstrap.configure do
  config.codebuild.project.env.vars = {
    DOCKER_USER: "SSM:/#{ssm_env}/DOCKER_USER",
    DOCKER_PASS: "SSM:/#{ssm_env}/DOCKER_PASS",

Configure CI Runner

Here’s an example of how you configure this hook for the CodeBuild CI Runner


Jets.bootstrap.configure do = {
    DOCKER_USER: "SSM:/#{ssm_env}/DOCKER_USER",
    DOCKER_PASS: "SSM:/#{ssm_env}/DOCKER_PASS",

Note: We’re using SSM to set the env var so that they are redacted in codebuild logs. You need to create the SSM Parameter on your AWS account.