SSM Unique Envs

The SSM Unique Env concept is explained here.

Problem: Proliferation of SSM Parameters

Often, you have environments like JETS_ENV dev and prod with SSM parameters like so.


If you have additional 2 environments, like sbx and uat, this can lead to a proliferation of SSM parameters to manage.


If the app has a lot of SSM values, it can become difficult to manage, especially if you want another “dev-like” environment with only a few environment variable overrides.

Solution: SSM Unique Envs Concept

Often, you want to have additional sbx and uat environments that are “dev-like.” These environments use mostly the same environment variables except for a few overrides. The SSM Unique Envs concept reduces the number of SSM parameters to manage by supporting this pattern.

This feature is enabled by default. Here’s what the default config looks like.


Jets.project.configure do
  config.dotenv.ssm.envs.unique = ["dev", "prod"] # default
  config.dotenv.ssm.envs.fallback = "dev"         # default

This means only dev and prod are considered envs that should have unique SSM parameters. All other JETS_ENV values will fallback to dev. Example:

JETS_ENV=dev  => SSM:/demo/dev/DATABASE_URL
JETS_ENV=prod => SSM:/demo/prod/DATABASE_URL
JETS_ENV=sbx  => SSM:/demo/dev/DATABASE_URL   # Uses fallback
JETS_ENV=uat  => SSM:/demo/dev/DATABASE_URL   # Uses fallback

Autoload Convention Path

The autoload convention path will load the fallback env and then the JETS_ENV env SSM parameter. Let’s say you have these values:



JETS_ENV=dev  => SSM:/demo/dev/DATABASE_URL
JETS_ENV=sbx  => SSM:/demo/sbx/DATABASE_URL   # Thanks to the existence of the sbx SSM parameter
JETS_ENV=uat  => SSM:/demo/dev/DATABASE_URL   # Uses fallback

Explicit Setting SSM Parameter Name

You can also explicitly set the SSM lookup in the .env.JETS_ENV file for additional overrides. Example:



jets dotenv:list

This command helps debug your dotenv values.

jets dotenv:list

Disable SSM Unique Envs Concept

You can disable the SSM Unique Envs and have the JETS_ENV directly map to the SSM Name with:


Jets.project.configure do
  config.dotenv.ssm.envs.unique = :all


JETS_ENV=dev  => SSM:/demo/dev/DATABASE_URL
JETS_ENV=prod => SSM:/demo/prod/DATABASE_URL
JETS_ENV=sbx  => SSM:/demo/sbx/DATABASE_URL
JETS_ENV=uat  => SSM:/demo/uat/DATABASE_URL