Jets Env CLI

You can use the jets env CLI commands to view and update your Lambda Function env vars.

Important: Changes with the jets env CLI command are outside a regular deployment. Think about jets env changes as “manual” changes. Running jets deploy may overwrite the changes.

If you add an environment variable that is not defined as part of the jets deploy, that environment variable may remain. It depends if you have changed any other env variable as a part of that deployment. Thus, you should not rely the temporary change being kept. Also, if you entirely delete deployment and redeploy, CLI manually changes will be removed.


jets env:list
jets env:get NAME1
jets env:set NAME1=value1 NAME2=value2
jets env:unset NAME1 NAME2


List env vars:

❯ jets env:list
Environment Variables for demo-dev

Get env var:

❯ jets env:get NAME1

Set env vars:

❯ jets env:set NAME1=value1 NAME2=value2
Will set env vars for demo-dev-controller
Are you sure? (y/N) y
Setting env vars for demo-dev-controller

Unset env vars:

❯ jets env:unset NAME1 NAME2
Will unset env vars for demo-dev-controller
Are you sure? (y/N) y
Unsetting env vars for demo-dev-controller

jets dotenv vs env

The jets dotenv:list and jets env:list commands may look similar but differ.

The jets dotenv:list parse your config/jets/env files, read SSM parameters, and show what env vars will ultimately be deployed your Lambda functions. In this sense, you can think about it as a “preview”. You can change your SSM parameters and run jets dotenv to see what will be deployed.

The jets env:list command will show you what currently deployed env vars are live on your Lambda function. The jets env also contain subcommands like get set unset you can use to make changes to your Lambda Functions manually.