Associated Function Resources

As explained in the Core Resource Model docs, methods like rate and cron perform some wrapper logic and ultimately call the resource method. We’ll cover that wrapper logic and expansion process in more detail here.

The rate method creates a CloudWatch Event Rule resource. This Event Rule resource is associated with the party Lambda function. Here’s the example again:

class CoolEvent < ApplicationJob
  rate "10 hours" # every 10 hours
  def party
    puts "party hardy"

What happens is that Jets takes the rate method, performs some wrapper logic, and calls the core resource method in the first pass. The code looks something like this after the first pass:

class CoolEvent < ApplicationJob
    "{namespace}EventsRule": {
      Type: "AWS::Events::Rule",
      Properties: {
        ScheduleExpression: "rate(10 hours)",
        State: "ENABLED",
        Targets: [{
          Arn: "!GetAtt {namespace}LambdaFunction.Arn",
          Id: "{namespace}RuleTarget"
  def party
    puts "party hardy"

In the second pass, Jets replaces the {namespace} placeholder with an identifier, a value with a method name representing the Lambda function. For example:

Before After
{namespace} Party

It does this because the resolved values are not known until later in the processing. IE: The party method is defined below and after the resource DSL call.

The final code looks something like this:

class CoolEvent < ApplicationJob
    DigEventsRule: {
      Type: "AWS::Events::Rule",
      Properties: {
        ScheduleExpression: "rate(10 hours)",
        State: "ENABLED",
        Targets: [{
          Arn: "!GetAtt DigLambdaFunction.Arn",
          Id: "DigRuleTarget"
  def party
    puts "party hardy"

The resource method creates the AWS::Events::Rule as a CloudFormation resource. The keys of the Hash structure use the underscore format following the Ruby naming convention. As part of CloudFormation template processing, the underscored keys are camelized.

Understanding the core resource model is key to unlocking the power of full customization with Jets. Once you get used to the resource method, you could start defining your custom convenience resource methods that wrap the resource method for more concise code as Associated Resources Extensions.

Note: Rubyists may notice that the keys are CamelCase, not underscore. Both underscore and CamelCase work. Jets runs a custom Camelizer to transform the keys regardless of the casing. You can use either format. Once we get near CloudFormation land, it’s easier to think on CloudFormation terms. The resource method is at the mental boundary crossing. More thoughts: CloudFomation CamelCase vs Ruby Underscore Thoughts.