Config Jets Deploy WAF


The table below covers each setting. Each option is configured with config.OPTION. The config. portion is not shown for conciseness. IE: logger.level vs config.logger.level.

Name Default Description
waf.block_ips.enable false Enable blocking of IP addresses.
waf.block_ips.list [] List of IP addresses to block.
waf.custom_rules.blanket_rate_limiter.action Block Action to take when rate limit is reached.
waf.custom_rules.blanket_rate_limiter.aggregate_key_type IP Type of IP address to use. Can be IP or FORWARDED_IP. See: WAF Rule Rate Based Statement
waf.custom_rules.blanket_rate_limiter.enable true Enable blanker rate limiter. Fundamental defense against DDOS.
waf.custom_rules.blanket_rate_limiter.evaluation_window_sec 300 How far back in seconds the WAF should look when it checks how many times the IP address sent a request.
waf.custom_rules.blanket_rate_limiter.limit 1000 Number of requests by the same IP before being rate limited.
waf.custom_rules.uri_rate_limiter.action Block Action to take when rate limit is reached.
waf.custom_rules.uri_rate_limiter.aggregate_key_type IP Type of IP address to use. Can be IP or FORWARDED_IP. See: WAF Rule Rate Based Statement
waf.custom_rules.uri_rate_limiter.enable false Enable url rate limiter. Can be useful to restrict specific URLs to a lower rate limit. IE: /login
waf.custom_rules.uri_rate_limiter.evaluation_window_sec 300 How far back in seconds the WAF should look when it checks how many times the IP address sent a request.
waf.custom_rules.uri_rate_limiter.limit 100 Number of requests by the same IP before being rate limited.
waf.custom_rules.uri_rate_limiter.logical_statement “Or” Logical statement to join the paths logical together.
waf.custom_rules.uri_rate_limiter.paths [”/”] The paths to apply the rate limit rule. IE: ["/logins", "/signgup"]
waf.custom_rules.uri_rate_limiter.string_match_condition “STARTS_WITH” Match condition expression. Examples: CONTAINS EXACTLY STARTS_WITH. See: CloudFormation PositionalConstraint Docs for more
waf.default_rules see desc The default rules curated AWS managed rules and Jets Blanket Rate Limiter rule. See: WAF Default Rules
waf.logging.enable false Turn on WAF logging to CloudWatch. Useful to determine whether or not WAF is blocking a request.
waf.monitoring false When true, adjust rules to use Count action to all rules. This is “Monitoring” mode. Jets.env Name of the waf. Defaults to Jets.env. IE: dev or prod {} Properties to override WebACL
waf.rules [] Additional Custom User WAF rules to add.

See Full Config Reference