Config Jets Deploy Lambda


The table below covers each setting. Each option is configured with config.OPTION. The config. portion is not shown for conciseness. IE: logger.level vs config.logger.level.

Name Default Description
lambda.controller.timeout 30 Default timeout for controller Lambda function. This is shorthand instead of
lambda.controller.memory_size 1536 Default memory size for controller Lambda function. This is shorthand instead of {} Override Lambda Function properties.
lambda.controller.enable true Enables creation of Controller Function.
lambda.controller.provisioned_concurrency nil This applies to the controller Lambda Function and takes higher precedence the lambda.function.provisioned_concurrency. Pre-initialized always running function “instances”. There are extra costs to use this. See: Config Concurrency
lambda.controller.reserved_concurrency 25 This applies to the controller Lambda Function and takes higher precedence the lambda.function.reserved_concurrency. Guaranteed and maximum number of function “instances” to run from the AWS Account default concurrency pool. This can be used to limit concurrency. There is no extra cost for this. See: Config Concurrency
lambda.function.timeout 30 Default timeout for Lambda functions. This is shorthand instead of
lambda.function.memory_size 1536 Default memory size for Lambda functions. This is shorthand instead of {} Override Lambda Function properties.
lambda.function.provisioned_concurrency nil This applies events functions too.
lambda.function.reserved_concurrency 5 This applies events functions too.
lambda.function.timeout 30 Default timeout for lambda functions.
lambda.iam.default_managed_policy [] Override default Jets Application-wide Managed IAM policy. Be careful overriding, you may remove required permissions.
lambda.iam.default_policy self.class.iam_default_policy Override default Jets Application-wide IAM policy. Be careful overriding, you may remove required permissions.
lambda.iam.default_vpc_policy %w[ec2:CreateNetworkInterface ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces ec2:DescribeVpcs ec2:DescribeSubnets ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups] description
lambda.iam.managed_policy [] Application-wide Managed IAM Policy to add to the default Jets IAM policy. All Lambda fuctions will have this.
lambda.iam.policy [] Application-wide Custom IAM Policy to add to the Jets default IAM policy. All Lambda fuctions will have this.
lambda.layers [] Additional custom lambda layers to use.

See Full Config Reference