Config Jets Deploy CI


The table below covers each setting. Each option is configured with config.OPTION. The config. portion is not shown for conciseness. IE: logger.level vs config.logger.level.

Name Default Description
ci.env.vars {} Env vars for the CI runner. The JETS_API_TOKEN is required. You probably want BUNDLE_GITHUB__COM also.
ci.iam.default_managed_policy %w[AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess AWSLambda_ReadOnlyAccess] Override default Jets CI Managed IAM policy. Be careful overriding, you may remove required permissions.
ci.iam.default_policy %w[cloudformation codebuild ecr ecr-public iam logs s3] Override default Jets CI IAM policy. Be careful overriding, you may remove required permissions.
ci.iam.managed_policy [] CI Managed IAM Policy to add to the default Jets IAM policy.
ci.iam.policy [] CI Custom IAM Policy to add to the Jets default IAM policy. {} Properties to override for the CI CodeBuild Project runner.
ci.schedule.cron nil How often to schedule the CI run. Second highest precedence, over rate. IE: “0 12 * * ? *”. See: AWS Docs Scheduled Expressions
ci.schedule.enable false Enable Scheduled CI runs via Scheduled Event Rule.
ci.schedule.expression nil How often to schedule the CI run. Highest precedence, over cron and rate. Full expression. IE: “cron(0 12 * * ? *)”. See: AWS Docs Scheduled Expressions
ci.schedule.rate nil How often to schedule the CI run. Lowest precedence, lower than expression and rate. IE: “1 day”. See: AWS Docs Scheduled Expressions
ci.source {} Required. Repo source. IE: {Type: "GITHUB", Location: ""}
ci.timeout_in_minutes 60 CI Runner timeout. You can also use ci.timeout for shorthand. It’s still in minutes.

See Full Config Reference