Config Jets Bootstrap Codebuild


The table below covers each setting. Each option is configured with config.OPTION. The config. portion is not shown for conciseness. IE: logger.level vs config.logger.level.

Name Default Description
codebuild.project.compute_type see desc Default: {ComputeType: "BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL", Image: "aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-aarch64-standard:3.0", Type: "ARM_CONTAINER"}
codebuild.project.env.vars {} Environment variables for the CodeBuild project.
codebuild.project.env.pass [] Your custom Environment variables that are automatically “passed through” or exported from your local machine to the CodeBuild remote runner environment when the run starts.
codebuild.project.env.default_pass see desc Default environment variables that are automatically “passed through” or exported from your local machine to the CodeBuild remote runner environment when the run starts. Default: %w[JETS_API JETS_DOCKER_IMAGE JETS_ENV JETS_EXTRA JETS_PROJECT
codebuild.project.env.block [] Environment variables to block and not pass through regardless of the pass config. The block rules always win over pass rules.
codebuild.project.environment {} CodeBuild environment properties or settings. This directly maps to AWS::CodeBuild::Project Environment. In general, .env.vars should suffice and is recommended over this more complex structure.
codebuild.project.fleet_override see desc The fleet arn override to use. This is one way to use an existing CodeBuild fleet for your CodeBuild remote runner. Default: ENV["JETS_CODEBUILD_FLEET_OVERRIDE"]
codebuild.project.timeout_in_minutes 60 CodeBuild Timeout in minutes.
codebuild.lambda.enable false Whether or not to also create an additional CodeBuild remote runner that uses the Compute Type of Lambda. Some jets commands, that don’t require docker, can leverage the Lambda Compute Type
codebuild.lambda.project.compute_type see desc The compute type to use. IE: EC2 Instance Size, Image, and OS Arch. Default: {ComputeType: "BUILD_LAMBDA_1GB", Image: "aws/codebuild/amazonlinux-aarch64-lambda-standard:ruby3.2", Type: "ARM_LAMBDA_CONTAINER"}
codebuild.fleet.base_capacity 1 The number of EC2 instances to run in the CodeBuild fleet when fleet.enable = true.
codebuild.fleet.enable false Whether or not to create a dedicated Codebuild Fleet. This speeds up the deploy but comes with additional costs. Default: ENV["JETS_CODEBUILD_FLEET_ENABLE"]
codebuild.logging.final_phases false Whether or not to show the final Code Build phases status messages. It’s false by default to help reduce noise. filtered Controls what to show from the Codebuild logs in the jets cli. By default, jets filters some output to help increase the signal to noise.
codebuild.iam.policy [] The additional custom IAM policy permissions you want to add for the CodeBuild remote runner.
codebuild.iam.managed_policy [] The additional custom managed IAM policy permissions you want to add for the CodeBuild remote runner.
codebuild.iam.default_policy see desc The Jets default IAM policies use for the CodeBuild remote runner. default: %w[apigateway cloudformation cloudfront codebuild dynamodb ecr ecr-public events iam lambda logs route53 s3 sns sqs sts:GetServiceBearerToken waf wafv2]. You can override this but be careful, it may remove necessary permissions for Jets to deploy.
codebuild.iam.default_managed_policy see desc The Jets default managed IAM policies used for the CodeBuild remote runner. deafult: %w[AmazonSSMReadOnlyAccess AWSCertificateManagerReadOnly]
codebuild.iam.default_vpc_policy see desc When a VpcConfig is used, Jets will also use this default policy for the codebuild remote runner. default: %w[ec2]

See Full Config Reference